Have you been told you need a dental filling but have put off the appointment because you are worried about the process or why you need treatment? Fillings are a common dental treatment and one that we perform regularly here at Southview Dental Care. We’re happy to talk you through the process and the reason behind your treatment but sometimes it helps to have a little background information. So, here is everything you need to know about dental fillings:
Why do we need dental fillings?
Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. Every time you eat something, particularly the sugary foods that bacteria thrive on, your teeth are under attack. If you don’t remove this layer of bacteria effectively through brushing and flossing, a tiny part of your tooth will be destroyed each day until eventually there is a hole. This hole is known as a cavity and it needs to be filled to stop further bacteria from entering and ultimately to prevent you from losing the tooth.
How do fillings work?
A filling is the best way to restore your decaying tooth back to its original shape and function. When you come in for a filling we will firstly make sure you are comfortable and apply any necessary anaesthetic to numb any pain or sensitivity you might otherwise experience as we work on the tooth. We will then remove the decaying material and clean out the affected area before filling it with the most appropriate material.
What types of fillings are available?
There are two main types of fillings available – amalgam fillings which are silver in colour and mainly used to fill back teeth as they hardwearing but more noticeable and composite fillings, which are tooth coloured and can be applied to teeth when you don’t want the filling to be visible.
We can advise you on the best type of filling prior to your treatment.
How to avoid dental fillings
Of course, we will always advise that the best type of filling is to have no filling at all! This all depends on your oral health regime and diet. Making changes now could ensure that you don’t need any further fillings in the future, so our advice would be:
- Reduce the number of times each day that you eat sweet things – this will give your teeth chance to recover from the effects of the acid caused by the sugar
- Avoid boiled sweets as they stay in the mouth for some time and prolong the acid attack on your teeth
- Beware of hidden sugars in foods – such as shop-bought pasta sauces, ready meals and soft drinks
- Minimise snacking between meals
- Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
- Visit your dentist regularly so we can spot any early signs of decay
Still got questions about dental fillings? Call the Southview Dental team today on 01732 865021 or ask at your next appointment.